

@peculiar/x509 is an object-oriented Typescript library that provides a higher-level API for working with X.509 certificates and related data structures.

npm npm (scoped)


Sample Description
X509 certificate creation Demonstrates how to generate a self-signed X.509 certificate using RSA encryption, and display the PEM encoded certificate and decoded certificate information.
X509 certificate reading Demonstrates how to parse and retrieve information from a PEM-encoded X.509 certificate.
PKCS10 certificate request creation Demonstrates how to generate an ECDSA key, create a PKCS10 certificate request, and output it in both PEM and ASN.1 encoding formats.
Certificate Revocation List creation Demonstrates how to generate an ECDSA key, create a certificate revocation list (CRL) using that key, and output the CRL in PEM format and its ASN.1 encoding.
X509 certificate chain building Demonstrates how to build certificate chain using a certificate list retrieved from the CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax) structure, and output the chain in PEM format.
Convert PEM to DER Demonstrates how to convert a PEM certificate to DER format.